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Hospital Experience


 I learned that culturally the hospital in Grenada is separated by genders. They still believe that the men and women should be kept apart, and it’s due to the British colonization. It is also due to the type of setting they have in the units. The units appear more like wards with around 30 beds separated by curtains. I thought that maybe keeping men and women separate provides ease of mind to some of the locals because of their cultural beliefs. I found it interesting that they do it this way I started to wonder if in doing so they assure a certain ratio of beds are assigned to each gender and that one gender isn’t turned away more than the other. I took a picture of the hospital from the outside because it does not look like hospitals that I was accustomed to. It was a simple building that looked very rural, almost like a large house.

I found myself judging the hospital facility because they do not have the resources that we have in the states and the wards did not seem outwardly clean. I was disappointed in myself for having these thoughts. I was disappointed because regardless of how little they have they do everything in their power to help their patients and community. I challenged myself to see all the good that the nurses and staff accomplish and while making my observation I noticed how they never complained. Not once did I hear them complain. I felt the utmost respect for Nurse Jacobs who was an intelligent and compassionate nurse, I shadowed. The respect that I feel today for nurses is something greater and different then what I felt before coming to Grenada. I didn’t really realize how privileged I am to live in a place where resources are abundant. I also felt very wasteful because the nurses in Grenada are very conservative of their resources; Whereas in the States we are taught “better safe than sorry” so we take in too many supplies that end up being wasted. I hope to become more aware of how much products I am using and try to minimize my waste. My international experience has helped me to grow and develop my ability to be more flexible and open-minded.

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Born and raised in Miami. Studying Nursing to become a changing force for health care in long term facilities.


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